Welltech WeIIBilling 6600 V.1.5 User Manual

Page 27

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Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.

WellBilling 6600 27

calls. For example, you can have monthly fee US$10 as
the monthly fee and 1000minutes of US and Canada
calls. When the call minutes to US and Canada exceeds
the 1000 minutes, it will be charged as defined rate.

− Deductible Monthly Fee: This is the rate type which

monthly fee will be deducted from their talking charge. If
the talking charge doesn’t exceed the monthly fee, the
monthly fee will be charged. For example, you have a
deductible monthly fee US$10 and this month’s talking
charge is US$12, only US$12 will be charged to the user.
However, if this month’s talking charge is US$6, the user
will be charged to US$10.

Monthly Charge: The monthly fee for the package rate user,

including monthly fee, free minutes and deductible monthly

Grant Value: For Free Minutes, it is the minutes of free calls

for free minutes package type. For Deductible Monthly Fee,
it is the minimum monthly charge for this month.

Description: The description

Click Detail to define the priority hunting in one group.

Figure 4.3-2

Parameter Description:

Rate ID: Rate Plan ID
Name: The rate ID name
Priority: Priority for the Rate Plan (0 low priority – 9 high
