Enter the sensor settings, Manually configure the sensor – Wavetronix SmartSensor 105 (SS-105) - Quick-reference Guide (User) User Manual
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Enter the sensor settings
1 Select Edit > Lane Configuration.
2 Once the Lane Configuration page opens, click on the
Automatic button.
3 If you would like to set constraints on the configura-
tion, use the Edit Range Blinders and Manage Gains
buttons (see the SmartSensor User Guide for more
4 Click the Restart button.
5 Confirm the configuration restart by clicking Yes in
the box that appears. SmartSensor Manager will now
automatically begin detecting and configuring lanes.
Depending on the volume of traffic, the configuration
process may take a few minutes.
6 After the lanes have been detected and configured correctly, save the configuration by clicking the
Finished button.
Manually configure the sensor
1 With the Lane Configuration page open, select the
Manual button; this will activate all of the manual
2 Selecting one of the following buttons in the Func-
tions section will allow you to make changes to the
roadview window on the left:
Adjust Lanes – Allows you to click and drag shoul-
ders, lanes and lines.
Paint/Remove Lines – Allows you to add new lines
by inserting lane dividers. Remove lines by clicking on
the Remove Lines button and selecting the line you
want to remove.
Remove Lanes – Allows you to remove entire lanes.
Construct/Remove Roads – Allows you to construct a lane anywhere in the khaki-colored back-
ground. To remove a road, click on the Remove Roads button and select the road you want to remove.
Construct/Remove Barriers – Allows you to divide a road into two seperate roads. To remove a barrier,
click on the Remove Barriers button and select the barrier you want to remove.
Reverse Direction – Allows you to change the direction of travel depicted in SmartSensor Manager.
Edit Lane Names – Allows you to change the lane numbers.
3 Once you have made the necessary adjustments, click the Finished button to save your changes.