Initiating the system, Adding a flash hard drive card – WattMaster WCC III part 3 User Manual

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WCC III Technical Guide


Adding a Compact Flash Hard Drive

Card to the WCC III - MCD Computer

Under Windows XP on the WCC III -


Before you install the Linux Operating System, the fl ash hard
drive card needs to be installed.

Step 1:

Properly shut down the WCC III - MCD computer.

Step 2:

Insert the additional non-volatile Compact Flash

(CF) card to the CF card holder in the back of the Single
Board Computer PCI-6881 circuit board. CF cards can supply
additional storage that will behave much as a hard drive does
in a typical PC with a 2GB size currently installed in the
WCC III-MCD. These Compact Flash products are inherently
more rugged than a hard drive since they are completely
solid-state with no moving parts. The Compact Flash hard
drive acts as a secure data back up for the WCC III - MCD

Step 3:

The BACKTASK program will make a new

subdirectory on the Compact Flash drive every month that is
based on a month / year fi le structure. In this “month / year”
subdirectory that is created every month, you will fi nd the last
daily data fi les back up for the month – either on the 28


, 30



or 31


, depending on the month. The Compact Flash hard

drive in the WCC III - MCD stores the BACKTASK data
fi les on it every day at midnight. Also, the current identical
fi les will also co-exist in the BACKTASK subdirectory on the

Step 4:

All of the Satellite data will need to be retrieved

from the WCC Utilities Program. The Satellite data is usually
in the specifi c jobsite subdirectory, because the WCC III-
does not store these fi les. These
fi les can be downloaded and then saved from any of the pre-
existing SAT III type controllers at the jobsite.

The 2GB Compact Flash card has the added advantage of
being removable media. A Compact Flash reader with writer
device may be needed at the host PC for fi le transfers. This
results in the ability to quickly move fi les from a host PC to
the WCC III - MCD using a Compact Flash card as the
removable media.

Since the Compact Flash card appears as a standard IDE drive
on the WCC III-MCD, it uses no additional RAM for drivers.
In a Windows XP operating system, the Compact Flash drive
on the WCC III-MCD must be mapped to drive letter “E”.
This is accomplished with the following instructions:

Step 4a:

Reconnect the power to the WCC III-MCD

computer and allow it to boot up normally.

Step 4b:

Left click My Computer and from the pull down

menu, select Properties. The following screen will appear.

Step 4c:

Right click on Disk Management.

Adding A Flash Hard Drive Card