Watson-Marlow PD/40 User Manual
Page 6

When operating under ATEX pay extra attention to the following:
Pulsation Damper to be installed, operated and maintained according this manual (see chapter
Make sure the damper is connected to the earth. In general this is the case when the damper is
connected to the pump and the piping system. By construction all parts are electrically connected.
This can be checked by measuring the electrical resistance to the earth. The electrical resistance
to any ground connection should be less than 1 MOhm.
In case it is not possible to create an earth/ground connection with less
than 1 MOhm, one should make an additional PE (protective earth)
connection to the pulsation damper. (see chapter 5 INSTALLATION
The manufacturer does not accept any responsibility for damage or harm caused by not (strictly)
observing the safety regulations and instructions in this manual or by negligence during installation,
use, maintenance and repair of the pulsation dampers mentioned on the front cover. Depending on
the specific working conditions or accessories used, additional safety instructions can be required.
Immediately contact your Bredel representative, if you notice a potential danger while using your
pulsation damper.
The user of the pulsation damper is always fully responsible for
observing the local valid safety regulations and directives. Observe
these safety regulations and directives when using the pulsation
Qualification of the user
The installation, operation and maintenance of the pulsation damper should be carried out by well
trained and qualified users. Temporary staff and persons in training may only use the pulsation
damper under the supervision and responsibility of well trained and qualified users.
Regulations and instructions
Everyone who works with the pulsation damper must be aware of the content of this manual and
observe the instructions with great care.
Never change the order of the actions to be carried out.
Always store the manual near the pulsation damper.