Basic installation of the vm-3 – VMC VM-3 User Manual
Page 16

VM-3 • Page 14
Remote Video In
The instruction step numbers correspond
to the numbers in the diagram to the right.
Figure 1
Basic Installation of the VM-3
1. Unpack the VM-3 and place it where you
can have easy access to the rear panel.
2. Using one of the Standard (BNC TO
RCA) Cables, connect the BNC end to the
jack marked "Video Out Edit." Plug the
RCA end into an edit monitor.
3. Using the other Standard (BNC TO RCA)
Cable, connect the BNC end to the jack
marked "Video." Plug the RCA end into
the television system. In most cases this
cable is plugged into a modulator (using
an RCA to F adaptor) or a display monitor.
If the modulator is farther than 6 feet away,
a custom cable will have to be made by
your installer.
4. If external video is going to be used,
connect another Standard (BNC TO RCA)
Cable to the jack marked "Video In." The
other end of this cable can be connected
to a VCR, Satellite Receiver, Camera, DVD
player or any device that has a video
output jack.
5. Turn the VM-3 so you can access the
front panel. Plug the keyboard in the Din
jack marked "Keyboard."
6. Connect the power cord from the
VM-3 to an electrical outlet or
recommended surge protector.
7. Call (203) 358-8842 if you are having
a problem completing these steps.
Character Generator/Video Controller
VM-3 Rear Panel
VM-3 Front Panel
Jack to connect the Keyboard
Video In
Video In