Vm-3 keyboard short cut keys – VMC VM-3 User Manual
Page 13

VM-3 • Page 11
Ctrl C -- Center align text
Ctrl L -- Left align text
Ctrl R -- Right align text
Ctrl F -- Font style (five rotating selections)
Ctrl S -- Font size (four rotating selections)
Ctrl P -- Preset color combination (16 preset font and background combo’s)
Ctrl T -- Select color of text (16 colors)
Ctrl B -- Select brightness of text (8 selections per color)
Ctrl Alt T -- Select color background (16 colors)
Ctrl Alt B -- Select brightness of background (8 selections per color)
Ctrl A -- Select all text (paragraphs) of a message
Ctrl V -- Switch between internal and external video
Ctrl H -- Switch time/date header option on and off
Delete or Backspace -- will delete one character at a time.
Shift Delete -- will delete text in a paragraph.
Alt Delete -- will delete text in a message, leaving the attributes alone (font size, color etc.)
Shift Alt Delete Save -- will delete entire message.
Home -- move the cursor to the top of the first message page.
End -- moves the cursor to the end of the last message page.
"^t" -- sets time for crawl message.
"^d" -- sets date for crawl message only.