VMC VM-3 User Manual
Page 11

VM-3 • Page 9
Utility Menu:
OSD On/Off
Reset All (Set VM-3 to factory defaults)
Set VM ID's (Each VM-2 should have a unique ID Number)
The ID is displayed in the Setup Menu. The ID's may be set for all
networked units by using the Set VM ID's command in the utilities
This will Auto ID each networked unit in the order that they are connected.
Terminal functions allow you to operate the system with an optional modem.
Preference Menu:
(This item should have a check mark if you want a copy of the
message sent to networked units as you modify and save them).
Smart Video
(This item should have a check mark when only crawl line messages
are being use over external video. This preference selection ensures
the VM-3 always looks for an external video signal before putting up
it’s own internally generated screen).
XMIT Preference
(whenever a message is saved in the Master unit, it will be sent to the networked
units along with the clock settings and preferences).
XMIT Clock
(updates the networked units with the time and date in the master unit).