Vir2 Instruments MOJO User Manual
Page 9

More than a dozen articulations are instantly loaded and intelli-
gently handled via performance features and keyswitches. Behind
the scenes, a humanizing function, smart release layers, and cus-
tom legato and vibrato tools assist the player in reproducing the
ultimate dimensions in realism. Crescendos and swells sync in-
stantly to host tempos and can be triggered in real time. Included
in the instrument collection are: soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone
saxophones, trumpet (open, muted, and piccolo), flugelhorn,
trombone (open and muted), bass trombone, and clarinet.
The articulation list varies for each instrument, but generally in-
cludes sustains, stabs, staccatos, trills, slurs, shakes, octave runs,
rise to hits, falls (including four different lengths), doits, bends,
stylistic riffs, special effects, and tempo-synced swells and cre-
scendos. All samples are recorded in 24-bit stereo using the finest
preamps in the world, including a vintage Neve 1073 and a
LaChapell Audio 992EG, and mics by AKG, Neumann, and Coles.
The Ensemble Knobs