Vir2 Instruments MOJO User Manual

Page 26

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Chorus adds a thickening effect by doubling the signal and de-
tuning the copy. Controls are provided for Depth, Speed, and

Reverb adds natural room echo to the sound. It is different from
EZRoom, which is a convolution reverb based on actual real sonic
spaces. Controls are provided for Predelay, Size, Color, Damping,
Pan (Stereo Width), and Return Volume.

Delay adds a time-based delay to the sound, and can be fed back
into itself by engaging the Feedback parameter. Controls are pro-
vided for Delay Time (in milliseconds), Feedback, Damping, Pan
(Stereo Width), & Return Volume.

Stereo allows you to control the overall stereo character of the in-
strument. The Spread knob allows for the increasing or decreasing
of the stereo width, and the Pan knob allows for the overall pan-
ning of the instrument.

The Limiter is a brick-wall limiter, which is enabled by default. It at-
tenuates any signal that exceeds the maximum 0dB level. In Gain,
Release, and Output controls are also provided. Turning the
Output knob above 0dB will result in distortion.


Core Instruments Lite. These instruments function identically
with their Core Instruments counterparts, except they use a frac-
tion of the number of samples of the full version. As a result, the
playing and the humanizing will be less detailed, however, users
who have limited amounts of RAM will be able to load more at
once by using these Lite versions.

Ensembles. This folder offers various combinations of MOJO in-
struments, for example, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Trumpet, and
Trombone all layered over each other. Only sustain and release ar-
ticulations are included in these instruments, making them ideal
for quickly building large-sounding horn sections. Note that, due
to the varying range of each instrument, different areas of the
keyboard feature different overlaps between the instruments,
with the extreme low and high notes sometimes covered by only
one of the included instruments.

Riffs feature almost two thousand prerecorded riffs played across
each of the instruments. They have been grouped by instrument,
tempo, and key.

Within each patch are anywhere from a few to dozens of riffs.
Riffs are always mapped chromatically, starting at C2 (the C be-
low middle C). The interface in the Riffs instruments is different
than the Core Instrument.

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