Triplett WireMaster Coax BNC – PN: 3274 User Manual
Page 9

If the OVERLOAD / VOLTAGE LED lights and the beeper sounds, at any time, the cable
being tested has voltage on it and cannot be ID’ed.
If a number of ID LEDs light simultaneously, a stray voltage may be present that will
prevent the cable from being ID’ed.
Mapping Cables with Different Connectors or Cables without Connectors
Most non-faulted cables containing 2 conductors or more can be mapped. Even single
conductors can be mapped if a low resistance ground or return path is available.
Almost any off-the-shelf BNC adaptor can be used with the WireMaster Coax. They are
often available through electronic supply houses or Do-It-Yourself outlets. Using these
adaptors, the BNC connectors on the WireMaster Coax can be adapted to most coaxial
connectors (F, TNC, SMA, RCA Phono, 1/8" and 1/4" phone jack, PL-259, etc.) Even
adaptors from BNC to RJ-11 or RJ-45 are available, but not as common as other types.
With BNC test cables terminated in alligator clips, wires without connectors can be
tested. Just clip the alligators onto the pair of wires to be ID’ed at the Remote and at the
WireMaster Coax.
If a low resistance ground or return path is available at both the Remote location and at
the WireMaster Coax location, single wires can be ID’ed. Connect one alligator clip at
both locations to the ground. Connect the other clip to the wire(s) to be ID’ed. ID the
wires at the WireMaster Coax by connecting the remaining alligator clip to each wire
and noting the displayed ID.
Note: If the ground or return path has too much resistance, or has AC or DC current
flowing in it, incorrect ID’s may be obtained.