Triplett – Triplett 3194 User Manual

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Many newer vehicles do not allow direct access to the battery. Connection points
to the battery are provided within the engine compartment, but the battery itself
may be inside of the vehicle’s front fender. The battery voltage may be mea-
sured at these points, but keep in mind that corrosion on the battery posts may
produce inaccurate readings. The battery itself may have to be measured before
making any judgements about its condition.


A recently charged battery, or a battery that has been charged in service (such
as when charged by a vehicle charging system) will exhibit a “surface charge”.
Before accurate readings with the BQ can be obtained, the surface charge must
be allowed to dissipate, or a load must be placed on the battery to “bleed” the
charge off. The surface charge can be dissipated by allowing a recently charged
battery to stand for at least 12 hours. Alternately, if installed in a vehicle, the
headlights can be turned on for several minutes to bleed the charge off.


With the vehicle off, connect the BQ to the posts of the battery and note the
battery voltage reading. For a charged battery in a 12 volt system, the reading
should be at least 12 volts.

Crank the engine to start the vehicle. The battery voltage should remain above
10 volts during cranking.

When the vehicle starts running, the charging current delivered to the battery
should cause the voltage to rise. The actual voltage depends on the initial state
of charge of the battery, the ambient temperature, and the performance of the
vehicle’s charging system. At low temperatures, the charging voltage is allowed
to be higher than at moderate temperatures. Specifications for the actual al-
lowed voltages can be found in the vehicle and battery manufacturer’s specifi-
cations. In any case, it would be very unusual for the battery voltage, during
charging, to exceed 16 volts in any normal situation. If the battery voltage does
exceed 16 volts, the battery, the charging system, and the specifications, must
be closely examined to determine if a malfunction exists.

A common problem in many vehicles is corrosion that develops on the surface
of the battery posts (caused by outgassing from the battery electrolyte). This
corrosion does not conduct electricity, and so, interferes with the current flow
from the battery posts to the post clamps and battery cables. The corrosion is
not always visible on the outside surface of the clamps, often developing where
it cannot be seen, between the battery posts and clamps.

Another cause for poor electrical connection is that the clamps require replace-
ment. Over a period of time, the soft lead of the clamps and the battery posts
may deform. Also, repeated cleaning of the posts and clamps with a cleaning
tool tends to “ream out” the clamps and reduces the diameter of the posts,
making it difficult to get the clamps to tighten down properly. When these
things happen, tightening the bolts on the clamps won’t always allow the clamps
to get a good “grip” on the battery posts.

Problems with the clamps can be tested for by moving the connections of the
BQ from the battery posts to the clamps. If the BQ’s reading changes by more
than 0.1 volts, then a problem exists.

The general technique of measuring the voltage on different sides of an electri-
cal connection can be used to identify connections where “resistance” is caus-
ing a “voltage drop”. Any connection that causes a loss of more than 0.1 volts
should be suspect.


OPERATING VOLTAGE .................... 5.8 Volts to 60.0 Volts
RESOLUTION .................................. 0.1 Volts
ACCURACY .....................................
±0.2 Volts (at 25° C, ± 5°)
LOAD CURRENT ............................. typically between 75 & 200mA
MEASUREMENT .............................. 30 seconds
OVERVOLTAGE WARNING BEEPER ... typically activates @ approx. 70V
..................... 30 seconds for voltages less

than the maximum input

DISPLAY .......................................... 3 1/2 digit, .43” high red LEDs
DIMENSIONS .................................. approx. 3 3/8” x 3 5/8” x 7/8”
Negative Terminal ...................... approx. 7/8” long
Positive Test Lead ...................... approx. 18” long
WEIGHT (incl. terminal and lead) .... 4.9 oz.


PN 84-808

Triplett Corporation One Triplett Drive Bluffton, OH 45817
800-TRIPLETT FAX: 419-358-7956

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