Datalogic Scanning Modem User Manual

Page 14

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Position 1 = RS232/Digital interface

Position 2 = Wedge/Pen Emulation interface


Modem™ configuration can be performed in three ways: by using the

DL Sm@rtSet software configuration program, by sending configuration strings from
the Host via the RS232 interface or by reading configuration barcodes with a
Datalogic RF device and sending the commands to STAR

Modem™ via radio.

DL Sm@rtSet

DL Sm@rtSet is available on the STAR

Modem™ CD-ROM and can be installed on

your PC.
DL Sm@rtSet is a Windows-based utility program providing a quick and user-friendly
configuration method via the RS232 interface.
It also allows upgrading the software of the connected device (see the DL Sm@rtSet
User's Manual for more details).

Configuration Strings


Modem™ initial setup must be performed via serial interface by sending the

configuration strings to the modem using any terminal emulation program, for
example Hyper Terminal.


Ensure that your PC COM port is set as follows:
9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, handshaking disabled.

The programming sequence is the following:





Enter configuration environment

Character sequence in following tables

Exit and Save configuration

Carriage return character (0D Hex.)

Position 1

Position 2
