After flight checklist / 飛行後的檢查項目 – Thunder Tiger Titan X50 EF User Manual
Page 28

After Flight Checklist / 飛行後的檢查項目
(1) Check every screw and bolt to make sure none has loosened due to vibration.
(2) Check every rotating and movable part to ensure they still move smoothly and normally.
(3) Clean off the exhaust residue from the muffler, motor, and helicopter.
(4) Check all movable parts, such as gears, ball links, etc. for unusual wear.
(1) 每次飛行後必須詳細的檢查機體的各部位螺絲有無鬆動情形,若發生鬆動必須確實鎖緊再進行下飛行。
(2) 每次飛行後檢查每一個轉動部位(含單頭連接桿)均能順暢的運作。
(3) 排氣管、馬達、直昇機本體必須確實的清潔。
(4) 檢查每一個動作部位,齒輪、球頭等是否有不正常磨損。
Regular Maintenance / 定期保養事項
Cautions of Li-Po Battery Pack Using / 鋰聚電池使用注意事項
Grease for Plastic Parts
Grease for Plastic Parts
Grease for Bearings
Warning! / 警告!
Lack for regular maintenance or apply a wrong type of grease/oil onto the parts may cause damage and model
crash, which may cause series injury or death if the model hits people or property.
For safety, to check and maintain the parts every 5~10 flights is strongly recommended. Please re-apply the proper
grease or oil onto the bevel bears and bearings as the illustrations.
強烈建議您每飛行5~10趟需執行下列定期保養事項。 請依圖示說明重新在傘齒及軸承上塗抹潤滑油。
Lithium Polymer (Li-Po) battery is volatile. Failure to read and follow the safety instructions or the instruction manual
offered by manufacturers may result in fire, personal injury and damage to property if charged or used improperly.
Please READ your Li-Po battery manual thoroughly before using. Some precaution and information for your reference
1. ONLY use a charger specifically designed for Li-Po battery packs to charge/discharge your Li-Po battery packs.
Failure to use an improper charger may cause a fire, which may result in personal injury and property damage.
2. A parallel charging process is strongly recommended, otherwise, the balancer is necessary if using a serial charging process.
3. Gernally DO NOT over charge the battery over the maximum voltage of 4.2V/per cell and over discharge drop below 3.0V/per cell.
4. Always keep the voltage of every cell at 3.8V if the pack will be stored for a long term.
5. Always avoid any puncture of the battery pack at all times.
Neither Thunder Tiger nor our distributoers/retailers assume liability for failures to comply with these cautions, safety
recommended and instruction manual. Users assume all risks associated with Li-Po battery packs.
1. 請務必使用鋰聚電池專用充電器充/放電鋰聚電池組。使用不正確的充電器可能會引發火災、人身傷害及財產損失。
2. 強烈建議使用平行充電式的充電器充電。若使用串充方式請務必加裝平衡器。
3. 請勿過度充電使電壓超過4.2伏特/單一電池蕊,或過度放電使電壓低於3.0伏特/單一電池蕊。
4. 如需長期儲存電池,請保持單一電池蕊電壓在3.8伏特。
5. 任何情況下,皆勿擠壓電池。