Tail control and gyro setup 尾舵控制及陀螺儀控制 – Thunder Tiger Titan X50 EF User Manual

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Tail Control and Gyro Setup 尾舵控制及陀螺儀控制

It is recommended to use a Heading Lock Gyro. With a Heading Lock Gyro, you may not use the trim and the revolution
mixing function of tail control.
First, choose the length of the tail servo arm referring to the manual of the Gyro. You may try 13.5mm as the starting
setting. Then mount the servo arm for the moment and check the movement of the tail servo:
1. While giving the right rudder control, the servo arm should move toward the nose of helicopter.
2. Rotate the helicopter with your hand counterclockwise, the servo arm should move toward the nose of helicopter.
建議搭配鎖頭式陀螺儀,可使您無需額外設定微調及混控功能來控制尾舵 。
1. 當執行右舵時,伺服機擺臂應朝機頭方向作動。
2. 將整台直昇機逆時針旋轉時,伺服機擺臂應朝機頭方向作動。

After ensuring the moving direction of tail servo, you have to mount the servo arm in the correct position. Please reset
the receiver power and do not move the helicopter. While the tail control stick and trim are centered, mount the servo
arm vertically. If you cannot mount the servo arm vertically, please try another servo arm. Next, two points may be your
1. The traveling limit of the rudder servo may not go beyond the mechanical movement.
2. The rudder servo arm should be vertical while the tail rotor are at 0 pitch or with a little offset to the right. (Referring
to the photo below)
1. 尾舵伺服機最大行程量切勿大於機械行程量。
2. 當尾旋翼螺距為0或稍偏向右時,尾舵伺服機擺臂應在垂直位置。(請對照下圖)

Note1: To find the traveling limit, you have to adjust the Gyro referring to its manual.
Note2: To adjust the pirouetting speed of the helicopter, please use the "Travel Adjustment" or the "D/R & EXP" function
of your transmitter.
說明2:調整尾舵自旋速度,請設定發射機上“行程設定(Travel Adjustment )”或“大小動(D/R)、指數值(EXP)”功能。

Rudder Servo

Rudder Servo
