Installation procedures – Thermon RGS User Manual

Page 4

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Alternate Roof Types…

SnoTrace RGS on Membrane Type Roofs
Due to the design of membrane type roofs, the methods typi-
cally used to secure electric heating cable to the roof may not
be suitable. The best alternative is to construct “loops” ap-
proximately 2" x 10" from the same material as the membrane
and attach these loops to the
roof at the points where
the cable will pass and
require anchoring, us-
ing the same adhesive
as used on the roof.
Typically these an-
chors will be required
every two feet along
the length of the cable
or wherever the cable
changes direction. The sketch at
right shows a typical loop with heating cable passing through it.
Allow sufficient room in the loop for the cable to pass without

The location of the cable and loops should be coordinated be-
tween the roofing and electrical contractors in accordance with
design layout provided by the engineer and project manager.
Using the loop method for attaching the heating cable to the
roof will eliminate the need to penetrate the roof membrane
with fasteners.

SnoTrace RGS on Copper Type Roofs
The standard RGS mounting clips and tape are not compatible
with copper roofing and copper gutters. The best alternative is
to use a plastic cable mounting plate along with a cable tie
wrap. The materials in the mounting plates, adhesives and tie
wraps should be rated for outdoor use. These should be
placed in the same spacing as used on the RG-CRF and RG-
CMC clips for roof use. In gutters, the cable attachments
should be no more than two feet apart. These types of mounts
are not carried by Thermon, but are available from suppliers of
general conduit attachment items.

Please contact Thermon for additional information and design
assistance for other roof types.