SVS TMD User Manual

Page 8

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and 2 in Section 9.

For touch screen controllers (AMX/Crestron), use voltage from the touch screen controllers to energize the
relays. The maximum wiring length from the microprocessor control unit to the external control relay or
switch can not exceed 6 foot. See Touch Screen Wiring Options 1 and 2 in Section 9.

7. Mounting Screens and Projectors

After checking the lift operation and all clearances, the screen can be installed. Raise the TMD lift.
Remove the TMD Screen Mount Adapter Brace from the TMD Lift by removing the five bolts holding it
to the telescoping column. See the TMD Dimension drawing for the location of the Screen Mount Brace
Adapter. Use the Mount Adapter Brace as a template to drill two or three ¼-inch holes in your screen
mount aligned with the two or three upper holes in the adapter. The holes in the Mount Adapter Brace are
spaced 4 ½-inches apart. The holes on your screen mount should be centered horizontally so that your
screen will be balanced from right to left on the lift. Your screen mount should be placed vertically so that
to top of your screen is level with the top of the TMD telescoping column. If this is not possible, mount
your screen as low as practical on the telescoping column. Re-attach the Mount Adapter Brace to the
telescoping column using the bottom two bolts. Use the three top bolts to attach your screen mount to the
Mount Adapter Brace and the TMD telescoping column. Follow the screen mount instructions for
mounting the screen to the screen mount. Once the screen is mounted to the TMD lift slowly lower the lift
carefully. Check all clearances as the lift and screen are lowered. Ensure that the closure fits securely into
the furniture top.

To mount the projector and projector platform, raise the lift. Remove the four bolts in the top of the
telescoping column. Place the platform so that the four holes in the center of the platform match the four
holes in the top of the telescoping column. Replace the four bolts. Attach the four threaded rods to the
platform using the supplied hardware. Attach your closure to the four threaded rods. Slowly lower the lift
carefully. Check all clearances as the lift, platform, and closure are lowered. Ensure that the closure fits
securely into the furniture top. Raise the lift and place your projector on the platform and once again lower
the lift checking all clearances. See the TMD Projector Drawing in the Section 9.

8. Cable Management

Video, Audio, Power Cable can be attached to the inside of the furniture with a service loop behind the
telescoping column. Do not attach you cables to stage 1 or 2 of the telescoping column. Keep the cables
away from moving parts. See the TMD Cable Management Drawing in Section 9.

9. Drawings and Schematics