Super Systems PC Configurator 2 Quick Start User Manual
Page 11

Quick Reference Manual
Page 12
Super Systems Inc
Transfer Section
The Transfer section will allow
the user to transfer one or
more recipes from one location
to another. The “Source” field
could either be the currently
connected device (“Use Online
Device”), or one of the offline
groups (“PCGroup”). The
“Destination” field could either
be the currently connected
device (“Use Online Device”), or one of the offline groups (“PCGroup”).
The “Send One” option will send only one recipe from the source to the destination. The
recipe to send will be based upon the numeric value within the box next to the “Send
Multiple” option.
The “Send Multiple” option will send any number of sequential recipes from the source
to the destination. When the “Send Multiple” option is selected, there will be another
numeric value box visible next to the first numeric value box. This second box will be
invisible when the “Send One” option is selected.
Once all of the required information is present (source, destination, recipe to send),
clicking on the Send button will send the recipes. The progress bar at the bottom of the
section will update the send process.
Note: Transferring recipes from or to a
controller may take a few minutes.
SSI Recipe Logo
Group Name
Sample Recipe 1 print preview