Scp series pump assembly instructions – Sun Pumps SCP 39-18-75 LC User Manual
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6. Rotate the pump shaft adapter until the set screws
are aligned to the center of the motor adapter slot.
This will be about a 45 degree angle.
7. Rotate the motor shaft until the key way is at the
same 45 degree angle to align with the pump
coupling set screws. Apply a small amount of
never seize or grease to the motor shaft before
inserting into coupling.
8. Install the motor by guiding the motor shaft inside
the pump coupling. Make sure the key way aligns
with the set screws.
9. Slide the motor toward the pump until it touches
the motor adapter.
10. Install the four 3/8-16 motor bolts through the
motor adapter into the motor and tighten.
SCP Series Pump Assembly Instructions
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