Scp series pump assembly instructions – Sun Pumps SCP 39-18-75 LC User Manual

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1. Remove pump base from shipping box and place on a
flat surface.

3. Place the stainless steel flat washers over the base
flanges on each side of the pump. Insert the two
stainless steel screws and start the two base
mounting screws by hand.

4. Make sure the pump is straight in the base and the
screws are aligned vertical before tightening.

5. Tighten the screws until it just touches the base
and then turn it an additional 1/4 turn. Do not
over tighten the screws in the plastic base. If you
see the stainless washer bend then that is too much.

2. Rest the pump end on the base and align the two feet
over the two mounting holes.

SCP Series Pump Assembly Instructions