Determining total dynamic head, Pumping level, Vertical lift – Sun Pumps MTR BLM-SB-073S-60 User Manual

Page 7: Friction loss

background image

Figure 1

Solar Pump System Terms & Head Calculations



Static Water Level



Pump Level

Pump Setting

SCS Submersible Pump

Pumping Level _____________


Vertical Lift



Friction Loss



Total Dyn. Head _____________


Total Dynamic Head = PL + VL + FL

Water Tank

Submersible Pump Cable

Sanitary Well Seal

Drop Pipe



(See Friction Loss Chart)

Determining Total Dynamic Head

Pumping Level

Pumping level is the vertical distance in feet from the discharge pipe at the well head to the water level
in the well while pumping at the specified flow rate.

Vertical Lift

Vertical lift is the vertical distance in feet from the discharge pipe at the well head to the discharge pipe
at the top of the water tank.

Friction Loss

Friction loss is the resistance to flow through a pipeline measured in PSI drop and converted to head
feet. The amount of loss depends on the diameter of the pipeline, the length of the pipeline, the flow rate,
the number and type of fittings and the coefficient of friction of the pipeline material. Refer to friction
loss tables for your specific application. (There is a Friction Loss Program on the SunPumps web site in
the engineering section at