Sumix SMX-160x User Manual
Page 32

Tuning Guidelines
SMX-160 Series USB2.0 Camera User Guide
Figure 4-2 Setting sensor controls
Press the Settings button in the Viewport section of the main window and set view-
port to 800x600.
Figure 4-3 Setting viewport
For the SMX-160C camera, set Bilinear color mode.
Open the Device Settings window by pressing Alt+s on the keyboard.
Put the camera to a dark place (cover by hand or put into a dark box).
In the Image Sensor Options of the Device Settings window, click the Auto button
near the Amplifier DAC raw offset field to adjust the level of black for the camera.
Figure 4-4 Adjusting Black level and Column balancing
Check the Electrical Black box if you want the sensor to output its electrical black level.
Use this check box to get the hardware-generated electrical black image for calibrating
the black level offset. The option is useful for various sensor parameters calibration. It