Technical notes, Loss of sync – Studio Technologies 76D 2014 User Manual
Page 45

Model 76D/77 User Guide
Issue 11, May 2014
Studio Technologies, Inc.
Page 45
for Surround
77 Control Console, discussed earlier in
this section.
The dim function allows the post-fader sur-
round and stereo monitor output levels to
be reduced by a fixed amount. Its operat-
ing characteristics are identical to those of
the Model 77 Control Console, discussed
earlier in this section.
An indication is provided should the dim
button be pressed when button operation
has been disabled. Its associated LED will
flash briefly but no operating change will
occur. The LED will continue to display the
status of the dim function as selected by
other Model 77 and Model 71 units.
Reference Level
The reference level button sets the post-
fader surround and stereo monitor output
levels to their preset values. The operating
characteristics are identical to those of the
Model 77 Control Console, discussed ear-
lier in this section.
An indication is provided should the ref-
erence button be pressed when button
operation has been disabled. The associ-
ated LED will flash briefly but no operating
change will occur. The LED will continue
to display the status of the reference level
function as selected by other Model 77 and
Model 71 units.
Technical Notes
Loss of Sync
The Model 76D relies on an external timing
reference (sync) source for proper opera-
tion. This can be in the form of an AES3,
word clock, DARS (AES11), bi-level video,
or tri-level video reference signal. In most
cases the sync signal will be connected to
the sync input BNC connector located on
the Model 76D’s back panel. Alternately, a
configuration choice allows the L/R input
of the AES3 source currently selected for
monitoring to also serve as the system’s
timing reference. Whenever a valid sync
signal has been connected to the Model
76D the sync status LED, located on the
unit’s front panel, will light. The sample rate
of the monitor output channels will reflect
the rate of the sync input and, if a video
sync source is utilized, the configured rate.
If a valid sync signal is not present several
visual indications are provided. On the
Model 76D the sync status LED will flash.
On all connected Model 77 Control Con-
soles the 4-digit LED display will cease nor-
mal operation, instead alternating between
the words no and sync. When a valid sync
signal is again connected the Model 76D’s
sync status LED will light steadily. On the
Model 77 units the word sync will mo-
mentarily be displayed followed by a brief
display of the monitor output sample rate.
The sample rate will display as 32.0, 44.1,
48.0, 88.2, 96.0, 176.4, or 192.0, reflecting
the impact of the sync source rate and the
Model 76D’s configuration.
If during normal operation the sync source
changes from one valid rate to another a
visual indication is provided. On the Model
77 units the new sample rate—32.0, 44.1,
48.0, 88.2, 96.0, 176.4, or 192.0—will
momentarily be displayed.
Any time that a valid sync signal is not con-
nected to the Model 76D the monitor out-
puts will automatically revert to an internally
generated sample rate of 48 kHz with no
digital audio content present. This audio
“black” signal will allow most connected
equipment to continue to function correctly,