Technical notes, Software version display, Cable length – Studio Technologies 41 2013 User Manual

Page 18

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Issue 3, November 2013

Model 41 User Guide

Page 18

Studio Technologies, Inc.

to the pin 2 leads on both connectors.

Then connect the meter leads to these two

wires. The meter will indicate the DC cur-

rent being drawn while normal operation

of the connected device(s) takes place. Be

certain to connect the maximum number of

devices that might be powered by the IFB

output. That is, measure the worst-case

condition and ensure that the load is within

the maximum 220 milliamperes output. If

possible, leaving a 5- or 10-percent reserve

margin is a good practice.

Technical Notes

Software Version Display

A special Model 41 power-up sequence

allows the unit’s software version number

to be displayed. This is useful when work-

ing with factory personnel on application

support and troubleshooting situations.

The five LEDs associated with the level

meter for pin 2 are used to display the

major release number with a range of 1

through 5. The five LEDs associated with

the level meter for pin 3 are used to display

the release sub-number which ranges from

1 through 5. Refer to Figure 9 for a detailed

view of the LEDs and the corresponding

software version numbering scheme.
To display the Model 41’s software version

is very simple. From the powered-down

state, press and hold the IFB channel

Circuit Select button. While continuing to

press the button, apply AC mains power to

the unit. The normal power-up sequence

will take place and then, instead of one

status LED being lit, one LED in the Pin 2

column and one LED in the Pin 3 column

will light. These two LEDs represent the

unit’s current software version. The soft-

ware version number will continue to

be displayed until the button is released.

Once the button is released the unit will

begin normal operation.
Note that while it’s easy to determine

which software version is loaded into

the Model 41 a trip back to the factory

is required to update it. The 8-bit micro-

controller that provides the unit’s logic

“horsepower” also includes internal

FLASH memory. This nonvolatile memory

is used to store the operating software

(“firmware”). Re-programming this mem-

ory requires using a specialized program-

ming unit. While not outrageous in price,

it still costs in the range of US$500. The

programmer uses a ribbon cable and

socket to interface with a 6-pin “header”

on the Model 41’s printed circuit board.

And, as you would guess, once connected

reprogramming takes only a matter of

seconds. But unfortunately the program-

mer is not something that would be found

in a typical “field shop” or repair facility.

Cable Length

There are no hard and fast rules defining

the maximum cable length possible when

connecting user devices to the Model 41’s

IFB outputs. The maximum cable length is

directly related to the amount of resistance

Figure 9. Detail of front panel showing the status

LEDs that display software version. In this example,

the software version is 2.1.