SONOSAX SX-VT Quick_Start User Manual
Page 15

Quick Start Guide
Page 15 of 26
In Recorder operating mode, the pages 2 to 4 are used to edit the track name to be recorded on the hard disk
and on the CF card; these names are stored in the metadata of audio files
Edit names of tracks 1 to 4
Press on a track to call the Keyboard
Edit names of tracks 5 to 8
Edit names of tracks A & B on CF Card
When the CF Card is set to MIRRORING mode, all track names set on the HD are
replicated on the CF Card.
In Player mode, only the recorded tracks can be edited, non recorded track do not appear
in the list.
3.9.1 PLAYER mode:
editing the metadata of a recorded audio file implies that the take is loaded in the Player.
in player mode, editing the [Project] name of an existing audio file will only modify the
content of the metadata but does not create a new directory.
editing the [Scene] name of an existing audio file only modify the metadata of that
particular field but does not reset or modify the Take number.
this field corresponds to the "Tape Roll". It is always set to "Working Day" value.
• WILD TRACK Tag the recorded file as "Wild Track"; when loaded in the player a symbol is posted in
the [Track Monitoring] page. Wild Track audio files are notified with the suffix "W" in
the [BROWSE FILE] menu.
Tag the recorded file as "Circled", the audio file is notified with the suffix "C" in the
Tag the recorded file as "No Good", the audio file remains in its original folder and is
notified with the suffix "F" in the [BROWSE FILE] menu.
• FALSE START Unlike editing the file from the [TAG LAST TAKE] menu, tagging the audio file from the
Player only edits the metadata but does not move audio files to the [TRASH] bin and
does not modify the Take Nr.
The audio file is notified with the suffix "F" in the [BROWSE FILE] menu.