Using rs-232 control (continued) – Smart Avi HDR 8X8 User Manual
Page 19

Command Line Interface Help:
d Enable/Disable debug d [on][off]
sw Switch Port sw [output] 1-16 [input] 1-16
br Broadcast Port br [input] 1-16
om Set output mode om [output] [mode# (0-2) | ?]
o Enable/Disable Output o [output] [0 = disable | 1 = enable
q Query Crosspoints
h Toggle Hotplug h [input]
reset Restore Factory Settings
boot Reboot matrix
info Display matrix info
edid Manage EDID
help Command list
DBG>sw 2 2
Switched Output 2 to Input 2
DBG>om 1 0
HDCP is now in mode 0 on output 1.
DBG>br 2
Successfully learned EDID!
Successfully learned EDID!
Successfully learned EDID!
EDID Mode:
To display the help menu for a list of commands, type “?
To switch ports, type “sw [output] 1-16[input] 1-16
To set the output mode, type “om [output] [mode# (0-2) | ?]
To set the broadcast port, type “br [input] 1-8
To manage the EDID modes, type “edid
To learn the EDID, type “learn
To set the EDID to factory defaults, type “savi
To exit the EDID prompt, type “exit
Using RS-232 Control (continued)