Ramp-hold programming – Skutt GlazeTech 8/2013 User Manual

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1 start with the display reading IdLe, Press “enter”.

2 select ramp-hold. If “r-hd” is displayed, press “enter”, else press an arrow key to display “r-hd” and then

press “enter”.

3 set delay start – The beginning of the firing can be delayed from the time you press “start”. This allows the

firing to start later and end when you can supervise the end. use the arrow keys to adjust the amount of
delay and press enter. ** Caution should be taken to make sure that no one can place anything around or
on the kiln during the delay start. Treat the kiln as firing during the delay start. **

4 enter user #. The controller holds 4 user programs. This step chooses which of the 4 programs you are

going to use. use the arrow keys to display the correct user number and then press “enter”. To reuse a
previously entered program simply press “enter” for each value. To change a program, just adjust the
displayed value.

5 Choose number of segments. all programs consist of 1 or more segments as shown in the sample profile

at the end of the manual. each segment has 3 parts – ramp rate ( speed of temperature rise in degrees per
hour ), soak temperature, and hold time at soak temperature. It is helpful to draw your profile to see how
many segments you need. Then use the arrow keys to display the desired number of segments and press
“enter” to store the value.

6 enTer raMP raTe. The rate is displayed in degrees per hour. slow rates range from 1-50 degrees per

hour and are used for thick glass projects. Medium rates range from 60 to 200 degrees per hour and are
used for thick, hand-built ceramics. Fast rates range from 250 – 1000 degrees per hour and are used for
glazes, thin ceramics and small glass projects. a rate of 9999 sets the kiln to ramp as fast as possible. use
the arrow keys to adjust the rate and press “enter” to store the value.

7 enTer soaK TeMPeraTure. For a single segment program, this is the top temperature of the firing. For

multi-segment programs, this can be a temperature where you want to hold to dry the ware or for carbon
burn-out, or equalize the temperature across the item or it can be where you just want to switch ramp rates
without a hold. adjust the temperature with the arrow keys and press enter to store the displayed value.

8 enTer hoLd TIMe. use the arrow keys to adjust the hold time at the soak temperature. hours are

displayed to the left of the decimal point and minutes to the right ( . use a zero (00.00) hold time
to change rates and move to the next segment. drying ware can take several hours while holds at peak
temperature usually range 10 – 15 minutes to even out the kiln.

9 rePeaT sTePs 5-7 for each segment.

10 dIsPLaY wILL show “redI” (ready) when all segments have been entered. Press “enter” to start the firing.

To re-fire the last used program, press the DOWN key when StOP or IdLE is displayed. The program will be quickly reviewed and rEdi
will be displayed. Press START to begin the firing. Note – pressing the down arrow twice will go directly to redi.