Dip switches – Sierra Video HDA-109 User Manual
Page 14

DIP Switches
Switch 1- EQ ON - When this switch is set to OFF it pulls RB12 high and if LOC/REM is
in LOC mode (RB14=1) then sets RD5=0to turn on LED D6 and RE6=1 to set EQ IC to
bypass. This setting will be reflected in Dashboard.
Switch 2- RELCLK ON - When this switch is set to OFF it pulls RB13 high and if
LOC/REM is in LOC mode (RB14=1) then RD6=0 to turn on LED D7 and RE0=1 to set
re-clocker IC into forced bypass mode. This setting will be reflected in Dashboard.
Switch 3- LOC/REM - When this switch is set to OFF (LOCAL position) then it pulls
RB14 high and the switch settings for EQ and RECLK BYPASS are implemented as
described above. Dashboard control of the bypass functions will be grayed out to indicate
that there is no remote control but the local switch settings for EQ and RECLK ON will be
reflected in the grayed out text. When LOC/REM switch is in the ON position (REMote),
RB14 is pulled low and the Dashboard control settings for EQ and RECLK ONwill
override the Local switch settings if different from the Local settings. If the Dashboard
and local settings are different then the OVERRIDE LED, D5, will be turned on by setting
RD4=0. Also if the Dashboard settings turn on either bypass function then the
appropriate LED for EQ and RECLK bypass will be turned on, see switch 1 & 2
description above.
In REMOTE mode, when the bypass switches match the Dashboard settings the
OVERRIDE LED will turn off. If either or both bypass switch settings are different than the
Dashboard setting then the OVERRIDE LED will be on. If the OVERRIDE LED is on and
the LOC/REM switch is set back to Local from Remote then the Local settings are used
and Dashboard's remote settings are grayed out and replaced with the Local switch
Switch 4- SD/AUTO - The default position for this switch is the ON position and causes
the slew rate of the output drivers to be set for high slew rate for HD/3G signals and slow
slew rate for 270Mb/s SD signals. This happens automatically by setting Rate(1:0) to 00
and RB11 (SD/HD_SLEW) is set to what comes into the processor on RE3. If the RECLK
IC is bypassed and the input signal is SD then switch 4 should be set to OFF which
causes RB15=1. RB11 (SD/HD_SLEW) should be forced to 1 to force the slew to be slow
for the SD signal.