Sensoray 2224 Windows User Manual

Page 94

background image

gstretchblt xDest yDest wDest hDest xSrc ySrc wSrc hSrc Rop

This is a simple wrapper function for the Windows BitBlt () function. The source parameter for the BitBlit()
function is g_hdcLoad. This Device context, (and associated Bitmap), are loaded using the gloadimage


xDest, yDest = Destination coordinates in device context / bitmap created with gopen.

wDest, hDest = Width and Height of destination bitmap after copy. (in pixels)

xSrc, ySrc = Source coordinates in secondary device context / bitmap created with gloadimage.

wSrc, hSrc = Width and Height of source bitmap to copy. (in pixels)

Rop = Raster bit manipulation operation for copying the bitmap.

SRCCOPY (DWORD)0x00CC0020 /* dest = source */

SRCPAINT (DWORD)0x00EE0086 /* dest = source OR dest */

SRCAND (DWORD)0x008800C6 /* dest = source AND dest */

SRCINVERT (DWORD)0x00660046 /* dest = source XOR dest */

SRCERASE (DWORD)0x00440328 /* dest = source AND (NOT dest ) */

NOTSRCCOPY (DWORD)0x00330008 /* dest = (NOT source) */

NOTSRCERASE (DWORD)0x001100A6 /* dest = (NOT src) AND (NOT dest) */

MERGECOPY (DWORD)0x00C000CA /* dest = (source AND pattern) */

MERGEPAINT (DWORD)0x00BB0226 /* dest = (NOT source) OR dest */

PATCOPY (DWORD)0x00F00021 /* dest = pattern */

PATPAINT (DWORD)0x00FB0A09 /* dest = DPSnoo */

PATINVERT (DWORD)0x005A0049 /* dest = pattern XOR dest */

DSTINVERT (DWORD)0x00550009 /* dest = (NOT dest) */

BLACKNESS (DWORD)0x00000042 /* dest = BLACK */

WHITENESS (DWORD)0x00FF0062 /* dest = WHITE */

NOMIRRORBITMAP (DWORD)0x80000000 /* Do not Mirror the bitmap in this call */

CAPTUREBLT (DWORD)0x40000000 /* Include layered windows */


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