Sensoray 2411 User Manual

Page 7

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the new executable app code from host to the 2411 target system via FTP. Then run the app
for test. Refer to Appendix-I for the instructions on operating a PC-card type of storage media
in the 2411-2 or 2411-4 systems.

14. For 2411-3 and 2411-4, you can point to the mount point ‘/media/hda1/.’ for saving the

captured frames/images onto HD (Hard Drive). Revise the sample source code and build the
new application with gcc on a Linux workstation that is used as a development host computer.
Load the new executable app code from host to the 2411 target system via FTP. Then run the
app for test. Refer to Appendix-II for the instructions on setting up HD in the 2411 system.

15. For running the sample apps capturing with push-button triggering, you need to load the driver

for 311 GPIO and Push-Button with “modprobe swbt311drv”, before running “lpcapbmp” or
“btgjpg”. As mentioned at the beginning of this section (V), the output directory for this two
demo applications is pointed to ‘/mnt/cflash’ that is mounted on PC-card storage media (CF,
MD, or HD) on 340.

16. Use FTP described in section IV to upload the captured image file(s) from 2411 target system

to your host/storage computer. Then, all .ppm, .pgm and .jpg image files could be viewed with
Linux utilities like “xv”, “Kuickshow”, “inageMagick”, “GIMP”, ……Those utility applications give
you the ability to convert the images from a format to another/other different formats.
Or, if you upload the captured .jpg image files or bring-over the captured .jpg image files on a
PC-card type of storage to a Windows platform, the .jpg files could be viewed with any
Windows based image viewers or processing programs.

17. When all done, shutdown the system with ‘shutdown –t 0’ and then turn-off the power supply.

Or, simply turn-off the power supply.

VI. Application Development:

1. Use a Linux workstation as a cross development computer. Make sure that it has editor(s) and

gcc installed.

2. Use any stand-alone editors like ‘vi’, ‘Emacs’, ‘Kwrite’, ‘Kate’, …, or any built-in editor with any

IDEs like ‘Kdevelop’ to develop your app code in C or C++.

3. Use gcc to compile and build your executable app program for the target system.
4. Connect the development Linux workstation and the 2411 system to the network via Ethernet.
5. Via FTP (refer to section IV), load the executable app from the development Linux workstation

to a desired place/directory in the 2411 system.

6. Through telnet or serial terminal described in II or III, get launched into 2411 console terminal.
7. Login to 2411.
8. cd to the directory you have put your app code to. For example, ‘cd /usr/user/my_app’.
9. Run app and check your results.
10. Repeat 2, 3, 5, and 9, if you need debugging.

VII. Other Documentations:

Refer to following documents, for the detailed hardware information on each individual model/board in
the 2411 stack,


301 Instruction Manual


311 Instruction Manual


340 Instruction Manual


300TA Instruction Manual


207 Instruction Manual