Sensoray 2411 User Manual

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I. Introduction:

The Sensoray model 2411 stack consists of a Sensoray Model 301 CPU board, one/two Sensoray
Model 311 frame grabber board(s), a Sensoray Model 207 power supply board, an optional Sensoray
Model 340 PCMCIA adaptor or Model 300TA IDE adaptor board, and an embedded Linux operating
system installed on a solid state disk.

As a summary, following 2411 configurations can be chosen:

2411-1: 301+311(s)+207

basic configuration, without big storage; the captured frames can be stored in
SDRAM on 301, and/or transferred over Ethernet via FTP or UDP apps.

2411-2: 301+311(s)+340+207

with PCMCIA type of storage, like CF (Compact Flash) or MD (MicroDrive) plus
PCMCIA adapter, or removable PCMCIA HD (Hard Drive); the captured frames
can be stored on such PC card type of storage, and/or transferred over Ethernet
via FTP or UDP apps.
As an alternative and unreleased configuration, the captured frames can be
stored on a USB HD (Hard Drive) through one of USB1.1 ports on 340.

2411-3: 301+311(s)+300TA+207

with IDE HD (Hard drive) storage; the captured frames can be stored on an IDE
type of HD, and/or transferred over Ethernet via FTP or UDP apps.

2411-4: 301+311(s)+


with IDE HD storage and PC-card type of storage or USB HD; the captured
frames can be stored on a CF/MD and HD, and/or transferred over Ethernet via
FTP or UDP apps.