Repairs – Sea Eagle Sailcat 14 (2013 and earlier) User Manual

Page 11

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Place the inflatable skeg protectors over the
skeg to maintain its shape while it cools. Store
the boat with the protectors in place to prevent


Repair Kit
Through use your boat may get a leak. Sea
Eagle provides a repair kit for this possibility.
Your boat comes with a orange repair kit that
includes two PVC patches, PVC-based glue
and a valve wrench. Typically, the valve
adapter is shipped in the container too.

Small Repairs
Deflate your boat. Thoroughly clean and dry area to be repaired. For a
small puncture like a pinhole leak, apply a small drop of glue. Let dry 12
hours. If you need to get on the water sooner, let dry 30 minutes and then
inflate the boat, inflating the compartment with the repair only 3/4 full.
Be sure to make a permanent repair later.

Leaks larger than a pinhole can be patched. Most patches can be done in
a few minutes, but we do offer a repair service for more complex jobs. Our
minimum repair fee is $75. and you will be responsible for freight ex-
penses to our facility in Port Jefferson and return freight to your destina-

Once you have located the leak (see Troubleshooting), thoroughly clean
the area surrounding the leak. After the area is clean and dry you can cir-
cle the area to make locating the leak easier throughout the repair

Using a ball point pen, trace the outline of your patch which should be
large enough to overlap the damaged area by approximately 1/2”. Angle
the pen inward a bit so that the ink will be covered by the patch later. For a
puncture, use a patch the size of a penny. The larger the patch, the more
difficult it is to get a good seal, so be conservative. Ap ply ad he sive to the
dull side of the patch and in the area to be covered. Coat the affected area
lightly but completely with glue.

Allow the glue to dry to a haze, apply the patch and press down firmly. Do
not press wet surfaces together, they will not adhere.

If available, a hair dryer is an excellent accessory for repairs. Apply the
glue to both surfaces and heat them up with the hair dryer. While the glue
is hot and sticky, apply the patch. Press until the glue gets tacky enough to
hold on its own.

The glue will hold very firmly with in 24 hours, but full curing time is seven
days. If the patch leaks, use the hair dryer to heat the area and press it
down again. You can smooth the patch with a tool such as the handle of a
utility knife or the handle of a screwdriver. The hair dryer can also be used
to remove patches or other glued items.

Tips: Never cover a patch with a patch and never overlap a seam.

Valve Removal & Replacement
remove a valve unless you are sure
it is broken. Under most circumstances the
valve will not leak and should outlast the boat.
The base is built into the boat and cannot be
replaced without cutting the chamber open.

If it is necessary for you to replace the one-
way recessed valve then we recommend the
following tools and methods. Suggested tools
include channel lock pliers, valve wrench (in-
cluded with your repair kit) and piece of repair
material (also found in the repair kit).

The valves can be difficult to turn at first. To
break the seal loose, inflate the chamber to full
pressure and strike the valve wrench sharply
with the palm of your hand. Turn it counter-
clockwise. Deflate the chamber when it is
loosened and unscrew the valve body from the

You may need to hold the base from turning. If
a tool is needed, place a piece of repair mate-
rial in the jaws of channel lock pliers to protect
the hull material. This is especially true of new
boats because the material is still quite soft.
Once the valve body is unscrewed from the
base, pull the valve body from the opening.
The opening is very tight, so you may have to
pull hard.

Keep the base from falling away from the
opening. If it falls inside you will be feeling
around for it and pushing it back towards the
opening. The new valve must be an exact du-
plicate of the existing, otherwise it may not fit
tightly into the base.

Insert the replacement valve and tighten by
hand until secure hold the base through the
fabric. Once the replacement valve is screwed
in, inflate the chamber to full pressure and use
the valve wrench to tighten the valve com-

2 Part Adhesive
The adhesive that comes standard in your re-
pair kit will work for installations, but for
greater holding power we recommend
Weaver’s Two-part adhesive kit. Mix the nec-
essary amount of adhesive and accelerator
and apply 2 to 3 coats. Allow to dry to a haze
(5-15 minutes depending on the ambient tem-
perature), wipe both surfaces with a rag

soaked with MEK. Allow the MEK to evaporate (approximately 15 sec-
onds) and apply the item to the boat. Smooth the patch and allow to cure
a minimum of 24 hours, five days is recommended. The two-part adhesive
provides the best bonding. It can also be heated with a hair dryer to
smooth any wrinkles.

TIPS: Make sure the surface is both clean and dry before adhesion. Do
not use sandpaper on your Sea Eagle. Make sure the boat is deflated be-
fore repairing air leaks.

Any glued item can be removed by heating it with a hair dryer while pulling
at the edge with pliers.

When working on your boat, allow enough time in you schedule to accom-
plish each phase of the work. Prop the boat up to a comfortable working
height. Work in the shade, not in direct sunlight.