RF Neulink NL5000 Rev B0 User Manual
Page 16

NL5000 User Manual Rev B0
NOT recommended. Switch mode supplies work well if the are kept at least two
feet from the antenna.
The Configuration Software Kit requires a PC compatible computer with Windows
95 or later operating system installed. The computer must have an RS-232 serial
port available. A hard disk and CD drive is also required.
Insert disk one of the two disk set in the floppy disk drive. View the contents of the
floppy disk and double click on the install.exe file. Follow the instructions as they
appear on the screen including the prompt to insert the second disk. At the
conclusion of the installation procedure, the Configuration Software will be resident
on the user’s host computer.
The RF NEULINK, Inc. products described in this manual include copyrighted
RF NEULINK, Inc. computer programs. Laws in the United States and other
countries grant to RF NEULINK, Inc. certain exclusive rights in its copyrighted
computer programs, including the exclusive right to distribute copies of the
programs, make reproductions of the programs, and prepare derivative works
based on the programs. Accordingly, any computer programs contained in
RF NEULINK, Inc. products may not be copied or reproduced in any manner
without the express written permission of RF NEULINK, Inc. The purchase of
RF NEULINK, Inc. products does not grant any license or rights under the
copyrights or other intellectual property of RF NEULINK, Inc. except for the non-
exclusive, royalty fee license to use that arises in the sale of a product, or as
addressed in a written agreement between RF NEULINK, Inc. and the purchaser of
RF NEULINK, Inc. products.
Upon starting the Configuration Software a progress bar will be displayed showing
the progress of loading the Configuration Software. Once the Configuration
Software has been loaded a screen with the frequencies of the two programmable
channels will be visible along with three drop-down menus at the top and three
buttons at the bottom. The functions of these menus and buttons will be explained
in detail below.
A few notes about using the Configuration Software: