Remko rvs...h (inox), Installation instructions for qualified personnel – REMKO RVS xxx H User Manual

Page 18

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Installation instructions for qualified personnel

To install the system it is impor-
tant to follow the installation
instructions for both the chiller
and the chilled water system
(indoor system) or heating
system when installing the
entire system.

The indoor system and the
chiller work independently. A
connection between the two is
not necessary.

Transport the unit in its original
packaging as close as possible
to the installation location to
avoid damage.

The units may only be moved
upright (installed position) using
appropriate transport equipment
(Figure 1)


Secure against tipping!

The unit must be kept upright
when transporting to a higher
elevation (Figure 2).

Check that the packaged con-
tents are complete and inspect
the system for any visible signs
of transport damage.
Report any damage immediate-
ly to your contract partner and
the shipping company.

Select an installation location
with free air movement both
for the inlet and outlet. See
section “Minimum clearances”.

Do not install the unit in the
immediate vicinity of devices
with intensive thermal radia-
tion, this will reduce the cooling

Lift the unit only at intended
lifting points. Never stress the
medium or refrigerant pipings.

The medium connection lines,
valves and connections must be
insulated against vapour
density. If necessary, also insu-
late the condensate line (only
units with HP-function). In dual
systems with cooling and
heating modes, the
requirements of the current or
other local law (EnEV) are to be
complied with.

Seal off open lines against dirt
and never kink or crimp the

Avoid unnecessary bending.

Establish all electrical connec-
tions connections in accordance
with the relevant DIN- and VDE
or other local standards.

Always fasten electric wiring
properly to the terminals,
otherwise there is a risk of fire.

Comply with all regulations
governing structural and build-
ing requirements and conditions
with regard to the installation

In the selection of the installa-
tion site, pay attention to the
site itself and to any possible
noise reflexion from the sur-

To avoid the transmission of
vibrations the units must be
installed on vibration absorbing
material or on vibration iso-
lated foundations. In doing so,
make sure that the lines are also
vibration isolated.

If the installation site must fulfil
special noise emission require-
ments, this must be done on
site where appropriate adjust-
ments can be made. In this
cases, please consult a noise
level expert.

Important information
before installing

1 Correct way to move

2 Correct way to lift

Lifting point