Working with variable data, Contents providers, Working with databases – QuickLabel PowerForms User Manual

Page 33: Database wizard

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Working with Variable Data

Contents Providers

Contents Providers

Contents Provider is an expression   for any method that can be used as an source of data for ele-
ments on the   form. It is applicable to all form elements that can have some sort of   data associated 
with them.

The contents provider for objects can be one of the following:


When you select Fixed, you can enter a desired value in the edit box.
This value will remain the same for the object. To edit the text, all
standard Windows editing features (cut, copy, and paste) can be


When the Variable option is selected, you can connect any variable
field to the element, just select the appropriate variable name from
the list. This approach will allow you to change the variable value on
the labels.

If no variable is defined on the label, you should first create one or
import them from the labels.


When this type of contents provider is selected, you can select the
database field and link it to the object. The data from the database
table will be used for the object.

Working with Databases

Database Wizard

Database Wizard

Database wizard lets you specify the source database for the table in   an easy step by step procedure. 
Click the Wizard button in the 

Database Access Functions

 dialog box or click the Wizard button 

 in the Database Tool.

The Database Wizard offers you a quick and easy method to make database   table available to the 
form elements. When the Wizard is finished, it   will leave you with ready-made connection. You can 
further modify the   table layout and properties or use it as-is. This is a great shortcut   for designing 
quick connectivity to data in database tables.