OnLine Power Power Wave 1 User Manual
Page 11

6005-085 Rev B
2.2 System Configuration
The UPS system is composed of an electronically controlled switching and power conditioning system
and batteries housed in the same enclosure for lower capacity systems and in multiple cabinets for large
capacity systems. .Depending on the site and load requirements of the installation, certain additional
options are available to customize the system to your specific needs.
When planning a UPS system, the following should be taken into consideration:
The total worst case electrical load of the anticipated protected system must dictate the output power
rating (Watts). Allow for future expansion from the measured or calculated power requirements along
with a margin for error.
The backup time at the indicated power rating is 90 minutes.
The following options are available:
Auxiliary circuit breakers (up to 12).
Maintenance bypass switches.
External auxiliary TVSS (UL1449 3
Connectivity options (relay card, SNMP/WEB card).
The following UPS models are available