NavCom SF-2050 Rev.G User Manual
Page 95

SF-2050 User Guide – Rev. G
by multiplying the time the signal takes to reach the
antenna by the speed of light (radio waves travel at
the speed of light). The actual distance, or range, is
not exactly the same because various factors cause
errors in the measurement.
PVT GPS information depicting Position, Velocity,
Time in the NCT proprietary message format.
Quick Start (StarFire™) a startup mode that allows
waived. The Quick Start (user input) position should
have an accuracy of better
will bias the StarFire™ position error accordingly, until
convergence can correct the bias. In this scenario,
convergence may take longer than the typical startup
convergence period.
Radio Technical Commission for Maritime
Services see RTCM.
range the distance between a satellite and a GPS
receiver’s antenna. The range is approximately equal
to the pseudorange. However, errors can be
introduced by atmospheric conditions which slow
down the radio waves, clock errors, irregularities in
the satellite’s orbit, and other factors. A GPS
receiver’s location can be determined if you know the
ranges from the receiver to at least four GPS
satellites. Geometrically, there can only be one point
in space, which is the correct distance from each of
four known points.
RCP a NavCom Technology, Inc. proprietary
processing technique in which carrier phase
measurements, free of Ionospheric and Troposphere
effects are used for navigation.
Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) a GPS system that
yields very accurate 3D position fixes immediately in