MK Products CobraTurn Digital Turntable User Manual
Page 11
Digital Turntable Owner's Manual - Page 4
Section B
Operating Procedure
1. Connect turntable to 120 VAC power source.
2. Connect welding ground cable to grounding lug assembly on turntable.
Failure to attach a welding ground cable to the CobraTurn
Turntable grounding lug will result in damage to the turntable electrical
circuit and void unit's warranty.
3. Connect foot switch/pedal if required, "PdL" will be briefly displayed (see
picture on page 1).
4. Push PWR button to switch the unit on.
NOTE: If unit doesn't turn on, check power connection and
the fuse.
5. The display will briefly show the firmware version and then show the last
rotational speed used. If you see any other message, please see the
Troubleshooting section.
6. To adjust display and indicators' brightness press and hold DIR button
(the turntable must be stopped). After ~1 sec., the display changes and
shows the brightness value (1 to 63), rotate knob to adjust brightness of
the display. Release DIR button when done.
7. Push DIR push button to desired rotation direction.
8. Establish desired speed setting using the knob while reading the LED
display on the turntable.
9. To start turntable with the set speed press knob and release within 1
sec., the motor will start and the knob lights green. Press knob again to
stop and the knob flashes red then turns blue. If the knob is held longer
than 1 sec., the turntable starts jogging (10 RPM), knob lights blinking
green and turntable jogs until released.
NOTE: When knob is pressed, the knob rotation is ignored to prevent
value changes while pressing.
With the foot pedal plugged in, the speed setting displayed is the
maximum speed the foot pedal will use. While pressing the foot pedal,
the display shows speed of the foot pedal setting.
NOTE: When the foot pedal is plugged in, the Start/Stop function of the
knob is disabled.
10. Press and hold the PWR button (display shows “OFF”) until power
is turned to standby mode. If released sooner, the display returns to
NOTE: The unit is not completely off unless it is unplugged from
power source.
Pressing invalid key causes "Err" message displayed for ~2 sec.
Pressing invalid key while foot pedal is plugged in, displays "PdL" and
key is ignored.
All turntable settings and calibration are preserved when power
is turned off.
PWR Button
DIR Button
Knob Button