Microsens MS400089 User Manual
Page 6

5. Link Fault Pass Through
The Converter model of LFP (link fault pass through) in
TX/FX converter application is controlled by the software and
instantly take effect. Link status on one port is propagated to the
other port to notice the remote nodes. If TP port is unplugged,
this converter stops transmission on fiber port. This causes the
remote fiber node link to fail. LED shows the link failure on both
TP and fiber ports. If fiber link fails, this converter restarts auto-
negotiation on TP port but always stays in the link failure state.
This causes the remote TP node link to fail. LED also shows the
link failure on both TP and fiber ports. Refer to Fig. 9 shown
below for the normal status when the link succeeds. Also refer to
Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 for the erroneous status when TP Cable A,
Fiber Cable B or Fiber Cable C fails to connect.
Note: Link fault pass through (LFP) function only takes effect as S1-
Bit2 (see Fig. 15) is enabled. Disabled S1-Bit2 will turn this
media converter into a general one.