Meinberg DCF77PC32 User Manual
Page 14
remote clock´s serial interface. The serial interface transmits the date/time/status
string known from other Meinberg radio remote clocks. The serial parameters can be
setup by menu if the key F4 is being hit.
The line Last Sync: shows the time last synchronization has been achieved. If the
clock runs synchronous with DCF77 this field is updated once every minute. The field
labeled Date/Time: displays the board´s current date and time. If the key F3 is
pressed the user can modify the board´s date and time, should the need arise.
The board´s current state is shown in the field Status:. The first line shows whether
the clock has ever been synchronized with DCF77 since the last power-up or board
reset. If there are transient distortions the clock can be temporarily running on XTAL
for some minutes which is indicated by the second line. The third line indicates
whether daylight saving is currently in effect or not.
The signal bar is useful to install the antenna. For best results the antenna should be
mounted at least 1 meter from the computer and from solid metal parts. The length of
the bar is derived from the receiver´s AGC voltage. Because this voltage is limited
with a strong signal, the best way to align the antenna is to turn it slowly until the bar
shows minimum signal, then turn it exactly by 90 degrees to yield the maximum
Exact time marks are much more important than a long signal bar, so the small field
labeled Mod: reflects the time marks demodulated from the RF signal. This indicator
should blink exactly once per second without intermediate flashes. Pressing the key F2
enables the computer´s speaker whenever the Mod: field is on.
Pressing both the keys Alt and X simultanously lets this program terminate.