Creating a custom category, To create a custom file category, Creating a new backup files project – Dynex DX-PHD35 User Manual
Page 7: To create a new backup files project

Backing up your files
.psd, .psp, .pspimage, .pub, .qti, .qxd, .qxt, .rgb, .rle, .rppm, .sci,
.sgi, .slddrw, .svg, .svg2, .targa, .tcw, .tga, .tif, .tiff, .vda, .vdx,
.vsd, .vss, .vst, .vsx, .vtx, .wmf, .wmz, and .wpg. Your entire My
Pictures folder (Windows XP) or Pictures folder (Windows Vista
and Windows 7) is included if it is located on the drive or in the
folder you selected to archive.
• Productivity: All files with the following file name extensions
--- .bk0, .bk1, .bk2, .bk3, .bk4, .bk5, .bk6, .bk7, .bk8, .doc, .docm,
.docx, .dot, .dotm, .dotx, .lwp, .odt, .ott, .pdf, .ps, .rtf, .txt, .wpd,
.wps, .wpt, .wri, .123, .dif, .ods, .ots, .qpw, .wk1, .wk3, .wk4,
.wks, .xla, .xlam, .xlr, .xls, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xlt, .xltm, .xltx, .odp,
.otp, .pot, .potm, .potx, .ppa, .ppam, .pps, .ppsm, .ppsx, .ppt,
.pptm, .pptx, .prz, .shw, .mpp, .wp, .wp6, .wmlx, and .oft. In
Windows XP, your my Documents folder, with the exception of
your My Pictures, My Videos, My DVDs, and My Music folders, is
included if it is located on the drive or in the folder you selected
to archive. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, your Documents
folder with the exception of your Pictures, Videos, DVDs, and
Music folders, is included if it is located on the drive or in the
folder you selected to archive.
• Video and Recorded TV: All files with the following file name
extensions - .3g2, .3gp, .3gp2, .3gpp, .amc, .asf, .avi, .cin, .dv, .flc,
.ivf, .m15, .m1v, .m2p, .m2v, .m4e, .m4v, .m75, .mov, .mp4,
.mpe, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpm, .mpv, .mswmm, .nsv, .ogm, .qt, .qtl,
.qts, .rm, .rmvb, .rp, .rt, .rts, .rtsp, .rv, .sdv, .smi, .smil, .sml, .ssm,
.swf, .vfw, .wm, .wmd, .wmv, .wmx, .wvx, .xmz, .m1p, .mp2,
.vbs, .xtl, .dvr-ms, and .wtv. Your My Videos folder (Windows XP)
or Videos folder (Windows Vista and Windows 7) is included if it
is located on the drive or in the folder you selected to archive.
Tip: You can add to the list of file extensions included in any file category
by using the controls on the Backup options panel. See “Backup Files
options“ on page 8 for more information.
Creating a custom category
Most computer files are defined by the two-, three-, or four-letter
extension placed at the end of their names. Plain text files, for example,
can be identified by their .txt file extension. When you record a Backup
Files project, the program is simply searching your computer for files
with extensions that correspond to the categories you selected. If you
want to archive files that are not included on any of the pre-defined
lists, you could choose to archive all files or edit one of the existing
categories (see “Backup Files options“ on page 8 for more information),
or you could create your own custom list of file extensions that will
appear as the category called My Custom Category.
To create a custom file category:
1 Click Options.
2 Click File Backup on the left side of the Options window. The File
Category options are displayed on the right side of the window.
3 Click My Custom Category.
4 Type a file extension into the Extension text box. It is not
necessary to include the period.
5 Click Add. The file extension is added to the list box on the right.
6 Continue adding file extensions one at a time until you are
To remove a file extension from your list, click its name in the list
box, then click Remove.
7 Click OK to save your list as My Custom Category. This new
category is added to the list of file categories in the project
Creating a new Backup Files project
To create a new Backup Files project:
1 Click the FIle Backup tab in the project list. A list of projects is
2 Click the Backup Files project.
3 Click Browse and use the Browse for Folder window to select the
drive or folder containing the files you would like to archive.
Note: Files stored on different source drives cannot be archived in the
same Backup Files project.
4 Select the types of files you wish to archive. Choose either All
files in the selected path or Only files in the following
If you selected only files in the following categories, select the file
categories you would like to archive. The choices are Email,
Financial, Music, Photos, Productivity, and Video and
Recorded TV. If you created a custom category, it will also be
available. See "Creating a custom category" on page 7 for more
Note: Hold your mouse pointer over an icon to see the category it
5 If you want, place a check mark in the Only archive files
changed since checkbox to limit the backup to files that have
been modified since the date you select. To change the date, click
the date box arrow to open the calendar. When you click a date in
the calendar, the date is automatically entered into the date box.
6 Select a destination for your archived files from the Destination
Selection list. The destination can be a hard drive, a disc
recorder, or another type of storage device.
7 To compress or encrypt your backup, click Advanced and select
the appropriate settings:
• Compression-Click the Compress check box if you would
like the back up files created for this project to be
compressed. Compression reduces file size. The amount of
compression varies based on the types of files you back up.
Compressed files take longer to restore than uncompressed
• Encryption-Click the Encrypt check box to require a
password to open or restore your backup project. Type a
password for this project in the space provided and again in
the confirmation box.
Caution: If you forget or lose your password, you will not be able to open
or restore your backup project.
8 Click the action
button to run the project now. To schedule
your project, choose one of the options in Step 3 on the project
window. For more information about scheduling a project, see
"Using the Backup Files scheduler" on page 8.
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