Introducing the cio-dio192, Overview: cio-dio192 features, Software features – Measurement Computing CIO-DIO192 User Manual

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Chapter 1

Introducing the CIO-DIO192

Overview: CIO-DIO192 features

The CIO-DIO192 has 192 digital I/O connections, and eight 82C55 parallel-interface chips.

Each 82C55 chip controls 24 CMOS/TTL-compatible digital I/O pins. Each 24-bit group is divided into three

eight-bit ports, or two 8-bit ports and two 4-bit ports. Each port is programmable for input or output.

All I/O bits are set to input mode (high impedance) on power up and reset. Locations are available for installing

pull-up or pull-down resistors.

All signals pass through a 50-pin connector.

Software features

For information on the features of InstaCal and the other software included with your CIO-DIO192, refer to the
Quick Start Guide

that shipped with your device. The Quick Start Guide is also available in PDF at



for the latest software version.