Q-See QSTD2408 User Manual
Page 40

Digital Video Recorder User Manual
4.2.8 P.T.Z Configuration
Click P.T.Z to enter PTZ Configuration as Fig 4.16 PTZ Configuration.
Fig 4.16 PTZ Configuration
Here users can set protocol, baud rate, address, presets, and auto cruise
tracks. The following are the explanations of each option.
Protocol, Baud rate, Address: Please set the values according to the settings
of the speed dome.
Speed: Set the speed of speed domes.
Preset, Name: Select a preset and rename it. Click Set, a window will appear as
shown in Fig. 4.17. Select a preset to adjust the speed dome. Click Save button
to save it and exit.
Fig 4.17 Set Presets
Cruise, Name: Select a cruise track and rename it. Click Set in Cruise row. A
window will appear as in 3.6 PTZ Control.
Notice: You can set a total of 128 presets and 32 cruise tracks