Dynacord DTI 2000 User Manual
Page 10

DTI 2000 Manual e EDITED.doc
accepts the call and establishes a connection. First, you will hear a short noise (DTI 2000 line test)
followed by different tone signals, which indicate that the DTI 2000 expects further entries.
2. Password
The DTI 2000 answers an incoming phone call with different tone signals, depending on its actual
status. When not password-protected, a single tone signal indicates that the DTI 2000 is ready to
accept a function command (via entering a one or two-digit function number). If protected b a
password, the appliance answers incoming calls with a two-tone signal. Entering the password for
the desired access level is necessary. To enter access level 1 you have to enter a three-digit
password, for entering access level 2 a four-digit password is needed. While level 1 only provides
access to zone and group selection plus launching announcements via the * key, level 2 allows
accessing all functions (announcements, text message playback, macros, stop, etc.). After entering
the correct password, the DTI 2000 acknowledges a request with a single tone signal. The DTI
2000 sends a two-tone signal when entering the wrong password. After entering the incorrect
password three times in a row the DTI 2000 drops the connection.
3. Zone / Group Selection and Announcements
Once the DTI 2000 is ready to accept a command (indicated by a single tone signal) and access
level 1 (or 2) has been activated, selecting a single or several zones, groups or the ALL-group and
then making an announcement in the selected areas is possible. Selecting a single zone, group or
ALL is possible through entering the one or two-digit code that represents the according selection
function in the call number table. Selecting further zones / groups is possible by using the hash
mark key (#) as a separator before entering the next number, and so on. Numbers not representing
a selection or clear-function are ignored. Announcements are initiated via the asterisk key (*). The
DTI 2000 indicates with a single tone signal that a selection has been made and that you can start
making your announcement. A “Low Busy” signal (two-tone sequence – tones with different key)
indicates that one or several low priority zones are busy. It is your decision whether you want to
wait (enter #), or to interrupt the current announcement (enter * once again). A “High Busy” signal
(rapid, high-pitch sequence of tone signals) indicates that one or several high priority zones are
busy. Once the announcement is finished, you can enter an announcement end mark through using
the hash mark key (#). The connection is not dropped, which enables you to select new zones or
groups for making further announcements. Pressing the asterisk key after an announcement is
finished drops the connection – the DTI 2000 “hangs up”.
4. Direct
The DTI 2000 allows making announcements in permanently pre-selected zones or groups (Direct
Call). This function can only be accessed from access level 2. No other number selection is
accepted if the selected one or two-digit number represents a talk function. Press the asterisk key
(*) to launch an announcement. The DTI 2000 acknowledges this request with a single tone signal,
indicating that it is operational and ready to accept your announcement. The DTI 2000 outputs a
“High Busy” signal when one or several high priority zones are busy. After the announcement is
finished, pressing the hash mark key (#) allows selecting other functions. Using the asterisk key
(*) drops the connection.
5. Text
The DTI 2000 offers the ability to playback pre-recorded text messages in permanently pre-
selected zones. This function can only be accessed from access level 2. No other number selection
is accepted if the selected one or two-digit number represents a text message function. Press the
asterisk key (*) to launch text message playback. The DTI 2000 acknowledges this request with a
single tone signal, indicating that it is operational and ready to accept desired function command.