Trouble shooting guide (cont.) – Dynasty Spas 2008 User Manual

Page 24

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Dynasty Spas Operator’s Guide •



Spa is leaking

Probable Cause #1 ...................Loose connection.
Action .........................................Hand tighten all disconnects and fittings. Check joints

and unions.

Motor does not run

Probable Cause #1 ...................No power to motor.
Action .........................................Check power switches and circuit breakers. Check

motor plug where plugged into control box.

Probable Cause #2 ...................Pump jammed from foreign matter in impeller.
Action .........................................Call dealer for recommended action.

Probable Cause #3 ...................Motor overheats on hot days while filtering.
Action .........................................Reprogram your controls to cycle during the coolest

parts of the day and on shorter cycles. (see
programming instructions).

Motor runs hot

Probable Cause #1 ...................Pump ran dry.
Action .........................................Call dealer for recommended action.

Probable Cause #2 ...................Restricted suction lines.
Action .........................................Make sure all valves are open/clear suction of debris.

Probable Cause #3 ...................Improper ventilation
Action .........................................Insure that vents on side of spa are free and clear of

any debris or landscaping. Spa should also be located
an adequate distance from any walls or fencing for
good ventilation.


Note: These motors will feel hot to the touch. This is normal. The
Overheat Sensor will turn the motor off if there is an overload or high
temperature problem.