3 altimeter mode, 4 altimeter mode, 1 altimeter mode – La Crosse Technology K2-100 User Manual
Page 6: 2 altimeter mode
5.3 Altimeter Mode
- Calibrate the Altimeter
5.4 Altimeter Mode
- Set the Altitude Alarm
Before Calibrating the Altimeter
- The altimeter's calibration procedure is designed for
use in the normal altimeter mode.
A s t h e a l t i t u d e i s c a l c u l a t e d f r o m t h e a i r p r e s s u r e ,
the change of air pressure will affect the altitude reading.
- To achieve a more accurate reading, the K2-100 needs to
be calibrated from time to time as pressure may change
gradually even within hours.
- Calibration of the K2-100 must occur at a known
altitude, such as at sea level or beside an altitude sign pole,
as that altitude value has to be entered into the K2-100
during the calibration procedure.
Important: Entering an incorrect altitude in the calibration
procedure will result in a mistaken altitude in the future.
Altitude Calibration Procedures
Press and hold the [adjust] button for 2 seconds to enter the
Altitude Calibration Display.
Press the [adjust] button once again to enter the calibration
sequence, the digits of the middle row of the display and the
altitude unit will start flashing.
Press the [start/stop] button to increase the number; press
the [lap/reset] button to decrease the number. Holding down
the button changes the number at a higher speed.
After you set the altitude, press the [mode] button to exit the
setting sequence.
P r e s s t h e [ m o d e ] b u t t o n o n c e a g a i n t o r e t u r n t o
Altitude Graph Display.
Altitude Alarm 1 and 2
- The K2-100 has two built-in altitude alarms: Altitude
Alarm 1 and Altitude Alarm 2 that work independently.
- The Alarm icon will flash and the K2-100 will sound for 10
seconds when you pass through the Altitude Alarm Limit,
either below or above the limit.
When the alarm sounds, press any button to stop the alarm.
- The Altitude Alarms can be set within the range from
-30065ft to 30065 ft (-9164m to 9164m).
If two Altitude Alarms are set at the same altitude limit value,
the Altitude Alarm 1 will be activated only.
To Set the Altitude Alarm Limit and set the Alarm 1 ON/OFF
Press and hold the [adjust] button for 2 seconds to enter
Altitude Calibration Display. Press the [adjust] button once
again to select the Altitude Alarm 1 Display
Press and hold the [adjust] button to enter the Altitude Alarm
Setting Display. In the setting display, the altitude digits and
the altitude unit will flash. Press the [start/stop] button to
increase the altitude number; press the [lap/reset] button to
decrease altitude number. Holding down the button changes
the altitude at a higher speed.
Once you change the altitude alarm, the Altitude Alarm
1 turn ON automatically. After you set the altitude alarm,
press the [mode] button to exit the setting sequence.
Press the [lap/reset] button to turn the alarm ON or OFF.
Press the [mode] button once again to return to the Altitude
History Graph Display. A dotted line will show on the display
to illustrate the Alarm 1's limit.
To Set the Altitude Alarm 2
Set the Altitude Alarm 2 in the same manner as setting
Altitude Alarm 1.
Altitude Graph Display
Altitude Graph
Altitude History Graph
in degree Celsius
Altitude in meter
Altitude history graph
the altitude
the time variable
Real time
Altimeter Graph Display
In the Altimeter Graph Display, the 1st row of the display
shows the altitude history graph of the last 24 hours.
T h e 2 n d r o w o f t h e d i s p l a y s h o w s t h e a l t i t u d e
and the current temperature.
The 3rd row of the display shows the current time: hour
minute and second.
The Altitude History Graph
- T h e K 2 - 1 0 0 s t o r e s t h e a l t i t u d e v a l u e s a u t o m a t i c a l l y
as time goes by.
The Altitude History Graph of the Altitude Graph Display
is plotted by these historical altitude values.
The X-axis of the history graph is time variable; the Y-
axis of the history graph is altitude variable. The Altitude
History Graph makes up 11 rows and 40 columns.
The memory on the left hand side of the history graph
is recorded early than those on the right.
The scale of the Y-axis of the history graph is changeable,
the scale will be changed in order to fit in the altitude
values. Check the 'Altitude History Graph Scale' section
for more detail on the scale of the history graph.
To Switch among Units
- The K2-100 can display altitude in meter (m) or feet (ft);
the K2-100 can display temperature in Celsius ( C) or
Fahrenheit ( F).
Press and hold the [lap/reset] button to change the units
as in the units select sequence.
Altitude History Graph Scale
The scale of the Y-axis of the History Graph is varied
for fitting all the altitude memory into the graph.
Press the [lap/reset] button once to view the altitude
scale information, in the Altitude Graph Display,
The 'GRAPH SCALE' message will slide out and display
for 3 seconds, then the X-axis and Y-axis resolutions
will be shown.
For example, 'X=0:15'00"' implies that the resolution of
X - a x i s i s 1 5 m i n u t e p e r c o l u m n ; a t t h e s a m e t i m e ,
' Y = 2 0 m ' i m p l i e s t h a t t h e r e s o l u ti o n o f Y - a x i s i s 2 0
meter per row.
- The maximum and the minimum altitudes of the History
Graph will be shown on the display a while later.
F o r e x a m p l e , 'M A X 1 5 1 M' i m p l i e s t h a t t h e c u r r en t
maximum altitude of the Altitude History Graph is 151
meter. 'MIN 0m' implies the current minimum altitude of
the Altitude History Graph is 0 meter.
T h e r e s o l u t i o n o f X - a x i s o f t h e h i s t o r y g r a p h ( t i m e
variable) is fixed as 15 minutes.
The resolution of Y-axis of the history graph (altitude
variable) is ranging from 1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000
to 2000 meters.
5.1 Altimeter Mode
- Altitude Graph Display
C (Celsius)
m (Meter)
C (Celsius)
ft (Feet)
ft (Feet)
F (Fahrenheit)
m (Meter)
Unit Selection Sequence
5.2 Altimeter Mode
- Altitude History Graph Scale
History Graph Scale Display
total display time
(15 min. X 40 column=600 min or 10 hour)
total display altitude
(Y axis resolution X 11 row)
1, 2, 5, 10
20, 50
100, 200, 500
1000, 2000
15 minutes
Altitude Alarm 1 Setting Sequence
( Set the Altitude Alarm 1 as 129m)
the altitude
Altitude Graph Display
digits have been
selected (flashing)
limit line
alarm 1 ON
the altitude
Calibration Sequence
( Calibrate the altitude from 123 to 128m)
the altitude
Altitude in meter
Altitude History Graph
digits flashing
Altitude Graph Display
the altitude