K-Patents PR-33-AC User Manual
Page 11

2 Instrument connections
© Copyright K-Patents 2014. All rights reserved.
2.3.3 IP settings for a stand-alone computer
When a computer with automatical IP settings (DHCP enabled) is turned on in a network
with only the Sanitary OEM Refractometer, the computer should automatically obtain
an IP address 169.254.x.x. In this case the factory default address of the refractometer
can be used for connecting without any further changes in settings. If this does not
work, make sure that the WLAN (Wireless network connection) is not active on the
computer that is connected to the refractometer. If the WLAN is active, the computer’s
Ethernet connection may not function as expected. Also, obtaining the 169.254.x.x.
address may take up to a minute.
If the connection to the instrument still cannot be achieved, the computer’s IP ad-
dress can be checked by opening the command window (command prompt) and by
typing the command
at the command prompt (press Enter to give the com-
mand), see figure 2.5 (in Mac OS X and Linux the same command is called
The information given will include the computer’s IP address. If the address does not
start by 169.254, the IP address of the computer needs to be configured manually to, netmask
For further troubleshooting, see section 2.3.6.
Figure 2.5
Typical IP configuration for a stand-alone laptop when connected to a
Sanitary OEM Refractometer; laptop wireless (WLAN) is turned off