Kip cost center user guide – KIP Cost Center User Manual

Page 14

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KIP Cost Center User Guide

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission

from KIP. 2015 KIP. v1

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Total Number of Prints – a page count of the Monochrome and Color prints.

Total Printed Units – accumulated totals in Linear or Square units (Meters or Feet) of

Monochrome and Color prints.

Toner Cartridges Consumed – Approximated number of Toner Cartridges used during

the reported Date Range. This is calculated based on the grams of toner used as

calculated from the imported billing data.

Average Coverage – The reported coverage of individual Monochrome and Color

printing totals is averaged across the Total Number of Prints.

Toner and Service Fees – Based on the entry data from the Pricing menu, the Total

Printed Units are multiplied by the Toner and Service fees.

Total Counters – The Total Counters display the overall printing since the machine was


Printing the report (example)

When choosing PRINT, the following report

will be generated. The title bar includes

important information such as:

Model Number

IP Address of the printer

Date the report was generated

Workstation Login and Name of the

person generating the report.

Start Date of report

End Date of the report

Costs Applied including whether the

information was provided at the

Printer menu or overridden by the

person generating the report.