Software setup, Make a recovery sd card (for advanced user only) – IBASE IB113 User Manual
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IBASE Technology Inc.
3. Software Setup
Basically, the IB113 is preloaded O.S (Android / Linux) into eMMC by default.
Connect the HDMI with IB113, and 9~36V power directly.
3.1. Make a Recovery SD Card (for advanced user only)
For advanced user who has Ibase standard image file, refer to this chapter to
prepare the recovery boot-up SD card. Ibase optionally provides 8” LVDS panel
for users to prepare the software application pre-development easily under Linux
/ Android platform.
Preparing the Recovery SD card to install the Linux/ Android image into eMMC
Note: all data in the eMMC will be erased.
-- for IB113
Please download the
Recovery SD card’s image by FTP in advance.
Host: port: 21
User: bsp
Password: (please check with your sales)
Image path: (image path may change / update)
( xxxxxx is release date, ex: IB113-Linux_install_3.0.35-141104.7z )
( xxxxxx is release date, ex: IB113-Android_install_4.3-141104.7z )
(based on Freescale BSP: L3.0.35-4.1.0)