Hoefer RCB20-PLUS User Manual
Page 21

6.3 To Connect Water Bath to Tubing for
Cooling or Heating External Devices
Locate the two collar nuts on the back of the unit
between the smaller main control unit and the larger
refrigeration unit, (see Fig 1, page 10).
Unscrew the collar nuts from the pump connectors for
inlet and output flow barbed fittings.
Screw the metal barbed fittings into the pump
Attach the tubing onto the barbed fittings and secure
with ties or tubing clamps.
Turn on both the main control switch and the
refrigeration unit switch to begin circulation.
Adjust the flow using the Flow Adjustment Valve,
(Fig 3, following page).
Observe the following safety precautions with regards
to tubing:
a. Employ suitable connecting tubing.
b. Make sure that the tubing is securely attached.
c. Avoid sharp bends in the tubing, and maintain
sufficient distance from surrounding walls.
d. Regularly check the tubing for material defects
and cracks.
e. Replace the tubing at regular intervals to prevent
cracking and leaks.
Caution! At high working
temperatures, the tubing used
to connect the circulating
bath to heated external
devices can represent a
danger source. Damaged
tubing lines may cause hot
bath fluid to be pumped out
within a short time, which
could result in burns.