2 floor, elevator, security level test programming, 3 elevator board(s) hardware test – DoorKing PC Compatible Multi-Door Access Controller 1838 User Manual

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Floor, Elevator, Security Level Test Programming

This programming sequence is included for troubleshooting the elevator control board(s) only. It
allows you to enter basic information for troubleshooting purposes. You will need the Elevator
Control Installation Manual for additional information regarding troubleshooting the elevator control

1. Press

* 4 2 and enter the four-digit master code _ _ _ _ (beep).


Enter a know directory code that has been programmed into the system (1, 2, 3 or 4
digits depending on the number programmed in 3.4.1) then press * (beep).


Enter a five-digit number that represents a two-digit floor number (01-64); a single-
digit elevator reference number (1-8); and a two-digit security level number (00-30)
_ _ _ _ _ then press * (beep).


Repeat steps 2 and 3 to program additional floor numbers, elevator reference and
security level codes.

5. Press

0 # TOGETHER to cancel the weigand test mode.


Elevator Board(s) Hardware Test

This programming sequence is designed for trouble shooting the elevator control board(s) that may
be connected to the access control system. This sequence will take approximately four (4) minutes to
complete and will check the operation of the CALL relay, and then all the odd numbered relays, then
all the even numbered relays on the elevator control board(s). This test confirms communication
between the 1818 circuit board and the elevator control board(s).

1. Press

* 7 6 and enter the four-digit master code _ _ _ _ (beep).


Enter the elevator shaft number _ (1, 2, 3 or 4) then press * (beep).

Once the test starts, the CALL relay (LED ON) will activate, and then ALL odd
numbered relays will activate, and then ALL even numbered relays will activate on
the 1st elevator control board. After this sequence, if more than one elevator control
board is connected, ALL odd numbered relays, and then ALL even numbered relays
will activate on the 2nd elevator control board. After this sequence, ALL odd
numbered relays, and then ALL even numbered relays will activate on the 3rd
elevator control board. After this sequence, ALL odd numbered relays, and then ALL
even numbered relays will activate on the 4th elevator control board. This sequence
will repeat itself ten (10) times.


Once the test is complete (approximately 4 minutes), this programming sequence will
automatically end itself.


